Monday, April 5, 2010

Encuentro con Certeza

We participated in an event organized by one of the countries main distributors, "Certeza". About 100 representatives of christian bookstores from many locations came to see what was new for this year.

Speakers from the main publishing companies like Zondervan, Kregel, Unilit and others were there sharing about the new books that were going to be available in 2010.

We had a table to display our products. Many were excited and interested in them.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Finally Approved!

Finally, after 22 months and 9 days (who was counting anyway) RBC Ministries has been authorized as a legal entity in the country. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Outreach Partners

One of our Outreach Partners is a hotel located in the beautiful city of San Martin de los Andes. This small touristy town is found in Patagonia, southern region of the country.

Samples of the 30 day introductory edition ODB are displayed in the common areas for people to take and look at.

Visitors can find a copy of ODB waiting for them inside the room when they first walk in.

This is a picture of the valley where the hotel is located!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our very first LIFE group!

Meet the first LIFE group. It belongs to a church in Buenos Aires. We are looking forward to start 2 more in this same church. One church in the province of Chaco started some groups among their youth too.

This is Freddys, The leader of the group.

Monday, March 30, 2009


ODB 2009 Annual Edition displayed at a local bookstore.

Discovery Series Compilations displayed at a local bookstore.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

ODB at the School

The teachers at San Pablo School start every day their classes with the students doing devotions.

The students enjoy listening and answering questions about the teaching of the day. They close with a song or prayer.

They like to use ODB because the stories are short and the teaching is good for the kids.